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      2014-05-14 11:13 | 太奇MBA網(wǎng)

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        PASSAGE 3

        Promptness is important in American business, academic,

        and social settings. The importance of punctuality

        is taug_ ht to young children in school. Tardy slops and

        the use of bells sig_ nal to the child that punctuality and

        time itself are to be respected. People who keep

        appointments are considered dependable. If people are

        late to job interviews, appointments, or classes, they are

        often vie_ wed as unreliable and irresponsible. In the business

        world, "time is money" and companies may fine

        their executives for tardiness to busi_ ness meetings.

        Of course, it is not always possible to be punctual. Social

        and business etiquette also provides rules for late arrivals.

        Calling on the telephone if one is going to be more than

        a few minute_ s late for schedule appointments is

        considered polite and is often ex_ pected. Keeping

        a date of a friend waiting beyond ten to twenty minute_ s is

        considered rude. On the other hand, arriving thirty

        minutes late to some parties is acceptable. Respecting

        deadlines is also important in academic and professional

        ci_ rcles. It is expected that deadlines for class assignments

        or business reports will be met. Students who hand in

        assignments late may be surp_ rised to find that the

        professor will lower their grades or even refus_ e to

        grade their work. Whether it is a question of arriving

        on time or of meeting a deadline, people are culturally

        conditioned to regulate t_ ime.

        31. The best title for this passage is ________.

        A. Promptness

        B. Time

        C. Deadlines

        D. Etiquette

        32. In the United States the child who must go

        to bed early, be prompt at school, or bring a tardy slip if he is late_____

        A. is learning the importance of time and punctuality in his culture.

        B. Is learning to disobey his parents and teachers.

        C. Is being punished for disobeying his mother and school officials.

        D. Is being punished for playing too much.

        33. If a person is late for a business meeting, he may be _____

        A. criticized

        B. fired

        C. made to pay

        D. given a pay rise

        34. Social etiquette in the United States allows people______

        A. to be a few minutes late for interviews and business meetings.

        B. to come early to parties

        C. to be up to a half-hour late for some parties.

        D. to call a date when he is thirty minutes late.

        35. The last sentence means ______

        A. people everywhere regulate time in the same way.

        B. Conditions decide how people spend time.

        C. Regular timetable is important in every culture.

        D. Different cultures have different customs concerning time.

        PASSAGE 4

        Urban life has always involved a balancing

        of opportunities and rewards against dangers

        and stress; its motivating force is, in the

        broadest s_ ense, money. Opportunities to make

        money mean competition and competit_ ion is

        stressful; it is often at its most intense in the

        largest cities , where opportunities are greatest.

        The presence of huge numbers of pe_ ople inevitable

        involves more conflict, more traveling, the

        overloading of public services and exposure to

        those deviants and criminals who are drawn

        to the rich pickings of great cities. Crime has

        always flourished in the relative anonymity

        of urban life, but today’s ease of movement

        makes its control more

        difficult than ever; there is much evidence

        that its extent has a direct relationship to

        the size of communities. City dwellers may

        become trapped in their homes by the fear

        of crime around them. As a defense against

        these developments city dwellers tend to

        use vari_ ous strategies to try and reduce

        the pressures upon themselves: contac_ ts

        with other people are generally made brief

        and impersonal; doors are kept locked;

        telephone numbers may be ex-directory;

        journeys outside th_ e home are

        usually hurried, rather than a source of

        pleasure. There are other strategies too,

        which are positively harmful to the individual; f_

        or example, reducing awareness through drugs or

        alcohol. Furthermore, a_ ll these defensive forms

        of behavior are harmful to society in general; they

        cause widespread loneliness and destroy the community’s concern for its members. Lack of informal social

        contact and indifference to the mi_ sfortunes

        of others, if they are not personally known to

        oneself, are a_ mongst the major causes of urban crime.

        36. According to the author, living in a city

        causes stress because the_ re are so many people who are _____.

        A. anxious to succeed

        B. in need of help

        C. naturally aggressive

        D. likely to commit crime

        37. The author thinks that crime is increasing in cities because _____.

        A. people do not communicate with their neighbors

        B. Criminals are difficult to trace in large population

        C. People feel anonymous there

        D. The trappings of success are attractive to criminals

        38. According to the article, what is the worst problem facing people living in cities?

        A. crime

        B. finding somewhere to live

        C. loneliness

        D. drugs and alcoholism

        39. The biggest incentive to live in a city is_______

        A. rewards

        B. stress

        C. competition

        D. money

        40. According to the author, crime is caused by several factors, one of which is _____

        A. social isolation

        B. defensive behavior

        C. hurried journeys

        D. personal misfortune


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